President's Column; Eric Liddell Anniversary Celebration; Duncarron Medieval Village; Clan Forsyth History; Clan Logan's Chief Restoration Project; Ancestors at Risk
Scottish North American Community Conference (SNACC 24); Colin Gray, Head of Scottish Government in the USA; Helene and Grandfather Mountain; Simon Peter Carruthers, Chief of Clan Carruthers; President’s Letter; Introduction to the Act of the Scottish Parliament of 1587;
Clan Thompson International, Inc.; American Political Leaders of Scottish Descent; The Scottish Tartans Museum & Heritage Center; The Kirkin’ o’ the Tartan: An American Story; The Border Irvings & Irvines; COSCA’s First Corporate Sponsor - USA Kilts; Highland Holiday Gathering; Scotland’s church sell-off
President’s Letter; Scottish North American Community Conference; Cameron Steer, ASF Youth Ambassador; Clan Updates: Clan Hunter, Clan Bell, Clan Burnett, Clan Ewing; Lord Lyon; Scottish Clans and Their Families; Ancient Civilizations of Orkney, the Ring of Brodgar; National Tartan Day Award Honoree.
Coronation Gallery; Duke Baccleuch, Clan Scott, Coronation Role; Clan Mackay, Inauguration New Chief; Obituaries: Donald, the Maclaren of Maclaren & Achleskine, Duchess of Buccleuch, Donald Angus Cameron of Lochiel; President’s Letter; The Heirs Project; Andrew Jonathon Hughes Hallett, The Hughes Hallett Scholarship; The National Trust for Scotland Foundation USA; The American-Scottish Foundation; Edinburgh Festival Fringe; Symposium for Growth and Success (CASSOC); Scottish North American Community Conference (SNACC); Report from the Editor of Claymore; A Traditional Christmas, REALLY; COSCA Board, Advisory Board, Membership Application.
Claymore – 2023 March
STV will host a special 70-minute programme from 9pm to allow health secretary Humza Yousaf, finance secretary Kate Forbes and former minister Ash Regan to put forward their pitches; The Annual Tartan Day Award--presented each year to deserving Scottish-Americans by the Scottish Coalition, USA
Meet Ed Ward, New Treasurer of COSCA; News of Legislative Items: UK Supreme Court Decision on Independence Referendum and Scottish Parliament Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill; Scottish Cultural Outreach Foundation; Clan MacEwen Seeks New Chief; President’s Letter; Enthusiasm and Authenticity; Clan MacKinnon Society Gives Back; Scottish Heritage Scouting Association; Chiefs, Clans and Kin; Society of Antiquaries Introduction; Ancient Civilizations in Orkney, Part 1; Skara Brae; Native American Indians and Scots; ICC 2022 T20 World Cup; Board of Directors, Contacts
In Memoriam, Clark Scott Obituary; Grandfather Mountain Highland Games, Stephen Quillin; The Wallace Award ; Caledonian Society of Hawaii; COSCA Website Update, Bart Forbes; The President’s Page, John Bellassai; Practicing Tradition, Learning to Dance in the Highlands; Scottish Clans and Their Associated Families, Bob Heston; Scotland the Romantic Movement, Andrew Morrison; Scottish by Inclination, Frederick Douglass, John Bellassai; Chiefs, Templars and the Dalmally Stones, Keith MacGregor; Loch Ness and New Fossils
The Lord Lyon and Scots Heraldry; Lord Lyon Society; Rise of the Youth; Armigers and Heraldry; Armorial of the Scottish Society of Armigers; Heraldry Society of Scotland; Angels Over Moscow; ScotlandShop; MacGregor Heraldry; Chiefs, Templars, and the Dean
Claymore – 2021 January
John Ruairidh Morrison, Chief of Clan Morrison (1968 – 2020); National Trust of Scotland Partner Program Launch; Village Buys Part of Langholm Moor; Building Membership with Social Media, by Bart Forbes, President, Clan Forbes Society; Co Leis Thu (Who are You?): Reflections on the Problem of Identity, by Andrew Morrison, 3rd Viscount Dunrossil; Can I Become a Scottish Feudal Baron? by Dr. Bruce Durie; The Highlands, The Declaration, and the Fight for Freedom, by Graeme Mackenzie; Chiefs, Templars and the Dean: A Tale of the Dalmally Stones, by By Keith MacGregor; Just What Did They Wear? by Fergus Cannan
Claymore – 2020 July
Coronavirus and Effects; Update from Australian Clan Gregor Society by Frank McGregor, High Commissioner; Clan Carruthers Chief after 210 Years; Flowers of the Forrest; Clans, Chiefs, Coats of Arms. What Do They Mean? Do They Still Matter Today? by Andrew Morrison, 3rd Viscount Dunrossil; Souvenir Plots in Scotland – The Law by Dr. Bruce Durie
Claymore – 2020 January
Why Our Organizations Are Not Recruiting Younger Members; “It’s Good to Be Scottish!” Meet the Scottish-American Women’s Society of Washington, DC; Members’ Corner: Kilts and Cowboy Boots – A Novel Recruitment Event; Sustaining Your Clan Society Through the Generations; Where is COSCA? Strategic Planning Committee; Relevancy of Clans in the 21st Century; Why Are The Scots Famous For Hogmanay?; Obituary: Archibald George Montgomerie, 18th Earl of Eglinton and 6th Earl of Winton