​“Scotland of Old,” first published in 1956, is the most accurate “clan map” -- even though the word "clan" is not used. This map was crafted by Sir Iain Moncreiffe of That Ilk, Bart., (1919 –1985) Albany Herald and Don Pottinger (1919–1986), Unicorn Pursuivant of Arms. This version was also approved by the Standing Council of Scottish Chiefs and the Lord Lyon King of Arms. The map notes that the lands indicate “general spheres of influence, usually about the time of King James VI but taking the history of each district or family as a whole.”
To see a larger version of the region associated with your family or clan, see the list of surnames below and click on the grid quadrant (i.e., "B3") on the map or, if using a mobile device, on the buttons below.

​Abercromby D2
Abernethy D5 E2 E5
Adair E6
Agnew C6
Anderson D3
Anstruther E4
Arbuthnot E3
Ardnamurchan B3
Armstrong D6 E6
Arnot D4
Aucherlonie E4
Aytoun D4
Bain C2
Baird E2
Balfour D4
Bannerman E3
Beaton D4 E4
Bell D6
Bisset E2
Blair C5
Bonar D4
Borthwick D5 E5
Boswell C5
Boyd C5
Boyle C5
Brodie D2
Broun D6 E5
Bruce D4 E4
Buchan E2
Buchanan C4
Burnett E3
Butter D3 D4
Cairns D6
Cameron C3
Campbell B4 C4 B5 C5 D5 D2 D4
Carlyle D5 D6
Carmichael C4 D5
Carnegie E3 E4
Carruthers D6
Cathcart C5 C6
Charteris D6
Cheyne D1 E3
Chisholm C2 C3
Clan Chattan D3
Clanranald A2 A3 B3
Cochrane C5
Cockburn D5 E4 E5
Colquhoun C4 C5
Colville D4
Craufurd C5
Crichton D4 D5 E2 E2
Cumming D2 D3 E2 E3
Cunningham C4 C5 D5 D6
Currie B4 B5
Dallas D2
Dalmahoy D5
Dalrymple C5
Dalzell D5
Davidson C3
Dempster E2
Dewar C4
Dishington E4
Douglas D4 D5 E5 D6 E3 E4 E5
Drummond C4 D4
Duddingston E4
Duff D2
Duguid E3
Dunbar C5 D5 C6
Dundas D4 D5
Dunlop C5
Durie D4
Edgar E5
Edmonstone C4
Eliott E5 E6
Elphinstone C4 D4
Erskine C4 C5 D3 D4 E3
Falconer E3
Farquharson E3
Fergusson C5 C6 D3 D4 D6
Fleming D4 D5
Fletcher C4
Forbes D3 E2 E3
Forrester D4 D5
Forsyth E4
Fotheringham D4
Fraser C2 C3 E2 E3
Fullarton C5
Galbraith C4
Gardyne E4
Geddes D2
Gilles D3
Gillespie D3
Glendinning D5 D6
Gordon C6 D6 D2 E2 D3 D6 E2 E3 E5
Gourlay E4
Graham C4 D4 E3 E4
Grant C3 D2 D3
Gray D4 E3 E4
Grierson D6
Gunn C1 D1
Guthrie D4 E3 E4
Haig E5
Haldane D4
Haliburton D4
Hall E5
Halliday D6
Hamilton C5 D4 D5 E4
Hannay C6
Hay C6 D2 D4 E4 D5 D6 E2 E3 E4
Henderon C4
Hepburn E4 E5
Hering D4
Home E4 E5
Hope D5
Houston C5
Hunter C5
Innes D2 E2
Irvine D6 E2
Jardine D6
Johnstone D5 D6
Joss E2
Keith D1 D5 E2 E3 E5
Kennedy C5 C6
Ker/Kerr C5 D5 E5
Kincaid C5
King E3
Kinimonth D4
Kinnaird D2 D4
Kirkcaldy D4
Knox C5
Laing E4
Lamont C4 C5
Lauder D5 E4 E5
Learmonth D4
Leask E2
Leighton E3
Leith D3
Lennox C4 C6 D6
Leslie D2 D4 E2 E3
Lindsay D2 D3 E3 E4 D4 D6
Little D6
Livingston B4 C4 D4 D5
Lockhart D5
Logan D4
Lumsden D3 E4
Lundin D4 E4
Lyon D3 D4
MacAdam C5 D5 C6 D6
MacAlpine C4 D4
MacArthur C4
MacAulay ​A1 C4
MacBean C2
MacBeth C2
MacCaskill B3
MacColl C4
MacCulloch C2 D2
MacDiarmid C4
MacDonald A2 A3 B2 B3
MacDonnell B2 B3 C2 C3 B5 C3
MacDougall B4 C4
MacDowall C6
MacDuff D4
MacEwen C4
MacFarlane C4
MacGillvray C3
MacGregor C4
MacHardie D4
MacInnes B4
MacIntyre C4
MacIver B4
MacKay C1 D1
MacKenzie C1 C2 B2 B3 C3
MacKinnon B3 B4
MacKintosh C2 D2 C3 D3
MacLachlan B4 C4
MacLaren C4
MacLean A4 B4 B3 C3
MacLennan B3 C3
MacLeod ​ A1 B1 C1 C2 A2 B2 B3 B4
MacNab C4
MacNaughten C4
MacNeil A3
MacNeish C4
MacNicol B2
MacPherson C3 D3
MacQuarrie B4
MacQueen B2 D3
MacRae B3
MacTavish B4
MacThomas D3
Magill D5
Maitland E5
Malcolm B4
Matheson B3
Maule E4
Maxwell C5 D6
McCorquodale C4
McCrammon A2 B2
McCulloch C6
McGie C6 D6
McKie C6
McLellan D6
Meldrum E2
Melville D4
Menteith D4
Menzies C3 D4 E3
Mercer D4
Middleton E3
Moffat D5
Montcrieffe D4
Montgomerie C5
Monypenny E4
Moray D4
Morrison B1
Morton E4
Moubray D4
Mowat E2
Muir C5 C6
Muirhead D6
Munro C2
Murdoch C6
Murray C4 D4 D3 D6 E4 E5
Napier D5
Nicholson/Nicolson B2 D4 D5
Ogilvy D2 E2 D3 D4
Oliphant D1 D4 D5
Paisley E5
Penycuik D5
Pitcairn D4
Pollock C5
Porteus D5
Preston D5
Pringle E5
Ramsey D5 E3
Rattray D3 D4
Redpath E5
Reid D3 E3
Richardson D5
Riddel E5
Robertson C3 D3 C4 D4
Rollo D4
Rose D2
Ross/Ros C1 C2 C5 D2 D5 E3
Rutherford E5
Ruthven D4 D5 E4
Sandilands D5 E4
Schaw C5 D4
Scott D4 D5 E4 E5
Scrymgeour B4 C4 D4
Sempill C5
Seton D4 D5 E2 E3 E4 E5
Shaw C3
Sinclair D1 E3
Skene E3
Somerville D5
Spalding D3
Spens E4
St. Clair D5
Stewart C3 C4 C5 C6 D3 D4 D6 E4
Stirling C5 D4
Strachan D3 E3
Straiton E3
Stuart C5 D2 C4 D4 D5
Sutherland C1 D1 C2 D2
Swinton E5
Symington D5
Trail D4
Trotter E5
Turing E3
Turnbull E5
Tweedie D5
Udney E3
Urquhart C2 D2
Vaus C6
Wallace C5
Wardlaw D4
Weir D5
Wemyss D4 E4
Wishart E3
Witon E5
Wood D4 E3
Young E5